Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Annoyed on reaching home to go find the card I had just bought for a friend's birthday had a full length crease along it. Well, the humour hasn't changed so I hope she won't mind.

G's son had his 4th op yesterday and fingers crossed it has worked this time. G was already booked down south on a train for cricket at Lord's and left the game early to visit S in Tooting. He was very dozy but had improved by the time G had to leave to find his train back to Yorkshire.

Incredible to read that G's train from North Yorkshire to London was delayed on the way down because of a "death on the line", and the same incident affected Lady Findhorn's rail journey from North Yorkshire to Edinburgh later in the day.

A slow day today. I know I feel inordinately tired, and though G never says much I think we are both exhausted with the worry and stress over S. Poor boy, I do hope this is it and he is on the mend now. Baby 2 is due in a few weeks!!

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