Nearly Dawn!

That's what I told myself when I finally got to bed on wednesday or rather the early hours of thursday! Let me explain! It took my bee photos so long to upload to Flickr so Icould look and choose the one to blip that I fell asleep - till 3 am! By the time I had closed down the computer and brushed my teeth and pottered and read a little , as you ( I ) do before bedtime, that it was 4.30 and beginning to get light! I decided I might as well stay up and see the dawn in, which I did! The trouble was I had to be up early to do my chickens, the allotment girls and a friends! Then it was off to have my hair cut! 
My hairdresser was quite annoyed that everyone assumed anyone who voted Brexit was an unthinking, fascist moron, he voted Brexit and had given it a lot of thought and was now getting a lot of flack for it and an attitude he found quite patronising and elitist. It was interesting to hear someone from "the other side" The other bit of news was that he had split from his partner - hurray! I had told him he should do that the last time I had seen him!
It was then time for home via the Hardware store for a new stove for the allotment - it was quite difficult to get  a new canister into my old one and I thought I was due an upgrade! I also bought a pan as I fancy having toast and beans on the plot as some days I seem to spend my whole day there and food tends to get missed! It was when I got to the coop supermarket that I realised I'd left my purse at the hardware store! Did I mention that i had a splitting headache on waking and really didn't get that much shut eye anyway?!!
Finally home expecting the bees to be gone - but no, still there! So I kept my eye on them as I had more tablets and something to eat! At 5.30 they began to get active and I thought they were going to zoom off, so up to the attic I went! As I sat in front of the window I saw a beekeeper walk down the path! Then I saw him walk back and leave! I guess he didn't fancy the chimney climb! By this time it was getting cloudy and the temperature was dropping and the bees that had begun to cluster inside the rim of the chimney disappeared inside again! So that was an hour and a half wasted!
Finally bed time for all the chickens! I was dismayed to see that my friends fence round the chickens was so low that I could just step over it. When they first had them he had put a line of chicken wire above the electrified fence, and the electric fence was reinforced by metal [poles to keep it taught. First the electric fence ceased to be electrified, then on one of the moves the upper fence did not move with them, and now the fence has no poles and is slack and bowed down with weeds and grass growing up it. It makes me most anxious and I spent ages tightening and raising the fence in the dark! Boy was I pleased to see my bed when I got home! I had no intention of seeing dawn the following morning!
P.S. I am a day behind as it's been a full on day today ( Friday) and I'm afraid with more chicken duties tomorrow and other stuff going on like today no time to browse your journals -  so hopefully catch up Sunday! 

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