
By Mindseye

Haydock Races

This is Bossipops, who ran in the third race at Haydock today. He was hubs choice ....sadly he didn't win :-(. Luckily for me, my horse came in second and fortunately I'd backed it each way ;-)

Our four friends arrived at our house around lunch time, we had a catch up and a cuppa, before walking to the race course, by which time the rain that was supposed to come around 10 and go by 1pm, arrived!!!

The rain stopped and started again, which made for a dreary afternoon, although we were all buoyed by wins and payouts ;-)

We walked home again, by which time we were all a little weary, so time for a relax and an early evening tipple before getting changed and going off to a restaurant for a lovely meal, which rounded off a nice day, apart from the weather!!!!

Our daughter and her partner went to the races too, with work colleagues, we bumped into them several times!!!

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