
Wide awake at 4.40am...what's that all about?!!! Did manage to get back to sleep thankfully!! Once we were up, got the laundry on and had a coffee. Cleaned the wasn't too bad thankfully!

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, as my legs, as I suspected are already rather "stiff" and as you know, it's always the day after the day after that is worst!! We went for a walk, some up hill, this morning, hopefully more actively will aid recovery ;-)

We had a BLT sandwich for lunch before setting about some serious tidying of the garden as today is the first full dry day for some time!! I snapped a few flowers in readiness for today's blip. I liked this partially open crocosmia Lucifer, I find reds difficult to photograph, but was quite happy with this shot :-)

I planted the cosmos we bought, and the two little replacement plants in the troughs. A lot of sweeping and weeding, some manoeuvring of tubs to make the displays look more appealing :-) cleaned the pond of its green algae and duckweed.

Swept the driveway and front paths, washed the front door and side panels.

Cleaned the shower screen in the main bathroom.......washed round the bath. Put clean mats down. Looks nice, shame it doesn't get used!! ;-)

The kitchen floor was the last job late this afternoon, once we had finished coming in and out!!!

Hub cleaned the car inside and out and caught up on some paperwork. In between watering the greenhouse and picking some more soft fruits.

Just going to do a simple marinated grilled tuna steak and salad for dinner tonight, before we go off quizzing, yes, it's Thursday again!!!

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