Stolen Goods

Several years ago the Flum family went to visit one of Mr Flum's cousins in the south. As a gift we took (what I thought would be) an unusual addition to their garden; a pink Buddleia. It was received with somewhat less than enthusiasm - not to say ungraciousness: their garden was, indeed, well stocked to the point of rambling burden.

Next day, while the others were saying their goodbyes, I happened to pass the unwelcome plant so took a quick 'thumbnail cutting', stuffing it into my pocket until we were in the car, then folding it in the facecloth in my spongebag. We were on our way to my parents so within a couple of hours I presented the shoot to my green-fingered father, telling him to do what he could with it.

Eventually he had a huge bush which, one year, flowered so well that he was disposed to take several (pre-digital) photos of it. I think it's still in the garden, though we sold the house 11 years ago. I've no idea what became of the original.

This is one of many progeny from that wee cutting.

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