Service station

My wife and I are travelling south today to meet up with one of her brothers and his wife. Our departure was delayed until 11am due to the worrying hospitalisation if one of the elderly relatives. We were glad we left when we did as the 400 mile trip took us nearly 11 hours. Awful wet and musty weather with lots of road spray - almost like being back in France in May ! - and at least 50 miles of roadworks/ slow moving/ speed restricted (with average speed cameras), much of it with bunching and stop/ start movement.

So it was a pleasure mid-evening to stop in the sunshine (before the misty rain came on again) at the Gloucester service station. Not only was the food excellent - it is a farmers' grouping that operate it - but the design was impressive. The front of the building shows how it blends in with the countryside. The exterior disguises a very large interior.

The interior makes use of tree trunks and stone. See extra. At the rear where you sit eating your food you look out onto a pond with a waterfall feature and a seating area. Made for a very pleasant break.

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