The last X

I’ve completed the cross stitch element of this piece, but have the black outlining to do which will make all the difference!! There are 12,882 stitches (I worked that out from the chart as they are in blocks 10 by 10)
A great day, busy, but worthwhile. Up early to walk the girls before their breakfast. Once I was fed and suitably clothed I took the girls home and went off to my sewing day (yes another!). The session ran from 10-4 so the girls were better off in their own abode with loads more room.
We were making patchwork and applique mini quilts. Mine’s not quite finished, but I will blip it later. It was a good day, good company, yummy food and new skills.
   I collected the girls on the way home and got a rapturous welcome, better than the glum faces that they had in the morning. 

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