Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Too soon my sweet...

Into the sweetest airs and the subtlest colours, with the mornings already showing signs of growing light later, I peddled. Lace like Spiders webs cover the ground swaying and undulating in the soft breeze, ringing imaginary crystal twinkling dew bells. Purple thistle crowns bent over nodding to passing cows. Nettles crowd around the slightest space jostling like busy shoppers on Oxford street craning their necks looking for bargains.

Amidst such beauty my sadness is a rudeness, an affront to nature and the turn of the seasons. Sadness at a lost summer. Where have my moments gone, sitting on a grass verge all tanned arms and legs, taking a rest from long hours of peddling. What has happened to laying in the long grass with your arms under your head staring aimlessly at the azure sky? Picnic blankets lay in forlorn heaps unloved and unused. Where are the tender times spent picking golden grass strands from my lovely wife's wild hair?

Too soon my dearest Autumn, your sweet ripened air has come too soon! Although my love for you is deep, perhaps my favourite season.....too soon my sweet!

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