Saturday: Dodge

I feel like there are so many things I want to tell you today! We had an incredibly productive morning.. We took a very thorough walk up and down our local high street and found masses of interesting stuff. We have sourced local restaurants and shops, we met the local pleasant eccentric, we have bought bus passes to enable us to get around, and also found a bike shop - great, as we are hoping to buy bikes quite soon. We also visited the local community centre and have found a few things that might interest us, and we also got very excited in the local library, which we are hoping to join as soon as we can bring proof of our address.

After we had done all that, we got a bus to Kitsilano and explored W4th Avenue a little. Indulging our love of craft beers we had a couple of pints and something to eat at Darby's, before catching the bus home again.

It's a strange life we live - not even a week ago, we lived in a very different place and environment and now here we are, on the edge of a different continent, starting all over again. It's strange, first footing in a city that will soon feel familiar and wondering what future friends are out there, people whose existence we don't know anything about.

Talking to K. tonight, I was also surmising that I will have to change my blip style. There are lots of new impressions but I am not seeing them photographically. Being an 'architectural' type, the Vancouver suburbs are not really playing to that. It's not that I'm not inspired - I will just have to learn to look a bit differently. It's just a very different environment.

See, I said I had lots to tell you! Oh, and one more thing, is this not the best farewell song ever - - composed for us by our Aussie friends........(sorry about the messy link - it's complicated on the iPad)

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