
By lynnjones7186

Our pool

Ok so despite what you may have thought I have not fallen off the face of the earth.  The last couple of weeks have been so busy.  We are now settling into our apartment,  it is only small, but it is adequate.  We arrived here on Thursday night and stayed in a hotel (the least said about that the better ).  On Friday the guy whom we have bought the apartment off picked us up and we had to do lots of legal stuff, i.e. money changed hsnds, the house deeds were signed passing ownership to us,  all the things that in Australia take weeks, were all done in a day.  We have spent the last two days buying crockery and cutlery,  not that I plan on doing to much cooking.   

We both have colds so as yet we have not had a swim.  But we will. 

My extra is of the lobby.

Hope you are all well.

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