Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie


In 2009 I decided I wanted to be a social worker. I have no idea why now really. I think I was a bit bored and needed some direction. I got on the course. The first day was horrific. We were basically told to forget our lives, our children, our partners as this was going to be the hardest thing we had ever done.

They were not wrong. However it was not because of the work but the utterly shocking organisation that fed into the whole system from university upwards and downwards.

In the 12 months I did it I was disgusted at what I saw, experienced and was subjected too.

I limped into the end and when they told me my final year placement was in Wolverhampton and not Walsall as I had been promised I took a leave of absence to spend time with my son in his last twelve months before he went to school. This was the best decision I ever made. The next best was asking the local school if they wanted me to run the choir. The rest is history.

Now I am doing an MA in Music, running a very successful children's theatre group, running two singing clubs, running successful after school clubs in drama and singing, teaching people to sing and starting a daytime NVP choir next month.

If I had not done social work then I would never have started singing barbershop.( I had to leave my am dram group as I could not do the shows ). Barbershop showed me that I am actually quite naturally musical and gave me confidence to branch out into an area which for ever had always been just a hobby.

Strange the way things work.

I asked for my academic year to be put forward to gain a qualification. The university were not at all forthcoming so I put in down to experience.

This arrived today. I am not sure how I feel about it.

I have to say I have a great deal of respect for anyone who successfully trains as a social worker and works in the field. Your job is a lot harder than mine.

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