Mr. I.T.

when Richard calls there is always something IT related that need sorting out. This time it was Carol's phone which was fixed in a jiffy. I think all families should have a Mr IT - thanks Richard.

Still feeling very lacklustre despite being told that my bloods are OK - just hope that they are still OK when we go back tomorrow...fingers crossed !

So a long lie in this am then later S from next door called in to see how I was doing. He had just picked his blackcurrants & had made jam - wondered if we had any jars he could have - 2 passed over the fence a little later..

A sofa day yet again, whilst C has gone to see her mum. Then later Nicola & Zak are calling in for a Chinese Take away with us.

Hope you are all ok. I will get back to commenting soon - maybe a little later. In the mean time another thank you for all your kind words.

A warm cloudy gusty day.

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