A slow day. I'm recovering from yesterday's woeful state of helplessness, and today just feeling somewhat foolish. Antibiotics do not like me, and despite the undoubted good they are doing rushing around my body catching bad guys, the collateral damage they wreak is not happy-making.
Regardless, it was a warm sunny day, that saw a lie-in, someone else make my lunch, and enough chores to make me feel not useless. And there was some time for Tour watching (while ironing) some podcast listening (while doing a cleaning job that's been glowering at me for quite some time) and even some lying on a sunlounger looking at birds making nests (really? again?) and ants scurrying around on these flowers. I also tried pollinating the sweetcorn. Quite the busy little bee.
This evening we hit on a new top entertainment option for the three of us: CarbBoy watches a movie on TallGirl's PC with headphones on, and TG and I watch the stuff that makes CarbBoy sigh heavily and complain about female hegemony while his Dad's away (ok, not in those exact words).
TallGirl spent the whole day in her room again today, even though there were hardly any small boys running around the house. I guess that teenage thing has really kicked in. Meanwhile, CarbBoy is definitely the most sociable member of the family just now - spending most of the day with his pals, including a trip to the pool.
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