Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


The girls seem happy to be out gathering again. Even if it is in the evening after working all day before hand. Ok technically they werent working all day but us humans were!

Early wake up to find it really misty no visibility beyond 100yrds so another waiting game to see if it cleared. Husband and I set put out a trailer load of stakes and tubes for tree planting for someone who is coming to do beating up on the tree plantations on the farm. Back home for breakfast, gather cancelled too misty still so back out to finish some fencing we started a couple of months ago. Then back home and it began to lift and blue sky and sun appeared so even though it was 4.30pm we decided to go and get the final part of the hill in on the farm where we manage the livestock. If we hadnt I dont think there would be enough days this week for all the work wanting done! A good gather but so hot and close made it hard to breath when exerting yourself! Dogs and humans very tired now!

18c misty and wet until 4pm when it cleared away to blue skys, cloud and sun at times

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