
Today I spent almost the entire day on the computer working on a book of my paintings. It is a Shutterfly book and I am having fun figuring out how to organize my paintings and the best way to format them. I am enjoying the process and the book has grown to almost 100 pages. I am amazed how many paintings I've made in the last ten years. When it is done I'll post a link so you can take a look if you'd like.

Arvin got home at four as usual but I was deep in what I was doing so I waited awhile before coming upstairs. By the time I got there I realized I had forgotten an eye appointment of his and it was past time. I've done that way more times than I'd like to admit lately. This is not the usual me. I can only guess that subconsciously I really don't want to head out to a late afternoon appointment so I forget about it until it is too late. I called and the receptionist was kind to reschedule the appointment for 3:30 tomorrow. Tuesday is the only day Arvin gets home by 3:00 so I was happy to reschedule. And contrite. I really don't like to mess up the folks who take good care of us. Sigh.

Once we had rescheduled Arvin and I took a short walk. He was in a tired and slightly grumpy mood so when we got back he took a nap. I had called and left a message for my brother Steve earlier in the day. He called back and came over for Carcassonne and dinner. It was great to spend some time with him. He has been pretty busy lately. He and Kai went on a backpack recently so they were not around to play with.

I took this photo at one of the gardens we passed during our short walk. Other than that I hardly picked up the camera today. Too busy playing with the book on my computer. It feels good to just do what I feel like once and awhile. Not much work around the house. No going out to shop (or to an appointment - oops), no exercise to speak of, just playing creatively on the computer. Ahhh. Nice.

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