
I worked on my book again today and almost lost all the work I did by accidentally saving an older version on my laptop. Luckily I was able to re-save the newest version from my desktop computer. Phew! I did a bit more error checking and was going to order the book but I just missed the half price deadline for the 19th. So I will wait for another sale before I publish the book. That will also give me time to be really sure I have not got any mistakes. It is a huge book, 111 pages, the maximum amount. So I don't want to mess up when I print it.

When Arvin got home we went to Dr. Subong's office for his appointment I missed yesterday. We saw the older Dr. Subong, brother to the doctor we have been seeing. They are now in practice together. Good news. Arvin's eyes have hardly changed since we saw the younger Dr. Subong a year ago. His dry macular degeneration is just as it was, no worse and not wet at all. Hooray.

We ate dinner out and watched TV before heading off to bed.

Before Arvin's appointment we had a little time to sit quietly on the deck. We were both feeling a bit dozy after a busy day and you can see that in Arvin's eyes. But we roused ourselves in time to get to the appointment and continue with our day.

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