A Great Day To Be A Duck

........ able to go swimming all day to keep cool.

Yes - it was a warm day today.
So PD was walked in the shady bits to try and keep him cool.

We had to assist a couple we know today by meeting them at Maybury and take their daughter for the afternoon - they were returning from Cornwall and got a phone call to say his father was really ill in the Western. They were at Bolton and it was not likely they would make it back in time!
So the afternoon was spent keeping 3 kids occupied on the hottest day of the year............
There was a watergun fight to start. The Cygnet of course was using his
bazooka and nearly taking me out at the upstairs window. Needless to say he wasn't happy when the shoe was on the other foot ..... but the smiling assassin thought it was great.
It was then onto transport.
Despite not being dressed for the inevitable crashes speed was the order of the day. How he didn't lose several layers of skin during his two crashes beats me.

SWMBO is having a sleepover there as son-in-law is in London for a couple of days and Bags is flying off to the Midlands in the middle of the night.
So I am relaxing with a beer and some peace and quiet.

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