Wanderer has returned

Today we woke to torrential rain, thunder and lightening. I had a cat missing since monday morning, a dog shaking absolutely petrified needing to go out and a little bird I rescued in the hedge.

It should have been easy, open the door, dog goes out, cat comes in, dog does business, dog comes back in. Simple! NO, dog went out, cat did not come in, dog did business, dog did not come back in, he turned up the garden and went the other way, I shouted, he kept going the opposite direction, shaking and frightened. It was pouring down, a crack of thunder and lightening in the distance.

Do I go and get him or do I leave him?

I went for him, got wet, shouted for missing cat one more time and closed the door. The cat wasn't going to return in this weather anyway and I wasn't taking a risk checking on the little bird. I went back to bed until the storm was over.

The weather dried, still an odd clap of thunder but I took the opportunity to take a walk around the little block with my box of cat food to rattle and to shout for my missing cat. It was a walk too far in all honesty but had to be done the once in an attempt to remind my cat where he lived if nothing else. I didn't find him.

I didn't find the little bird when I went to look either so I'm hoping its missing for the right reasons and has been able to fly away. No sign of parents today either so I hope for a positive ending there.

I went out for a drink of diet pepsi with my friend who was helping out with lifts this week for teenage daughter who is dancing. Another shout for missing cat before we went and a hope and prey he's back when we arrive home.

HE WAS. a hungry and tired boy but the wanderer has returned.

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