Hope it makes it

Today has been taken up with the recovery and reuniting yesterdays little bird with its family.

Pleased it was still alive i was able to give it a couple of drops of water then took it outside to where i found it to see if it's mammy would come to it.

The little sweety began to chirp and before long its parents were flying and chirping back to it. I placed it in the hedge in its box with water near too and it wasn't too long before they were coming back to feed it. The photo shows the big bird pirched on the box and the little bird looking up to it. They've done this all day and kept a look out for their little one.

As the day went on and no sign of the little bird getting out of the box i was beginning to get a little worried about what to do at night time, shall i put it back in the garage, shall i leave it to beva sitting duck for other predators during the night.

I rang the rspb for advice, I didn't like the advice I was given but for the sake of the little bird I have taken the advice I did not like. I've released it from the box and into the hedgerow. I let its parents see where I was putting it and hoping they would continue to look after it. The lady at rspb said not to mess about with nature and let it take its course, she then told me all about birds and some make it and some don't especially fledglings.

So far so good, the little bird has moved from where i left it, its parents are still flying around and they are chirping to each other. I checked it around 10.30pm and it was deeper in the hedge and still chirping.

I do hope it makes it.

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