
.. They are growing in the garden, so not all that wild?
We have taken up loads of them already in this new (to us) garden.
They remind me very much of our old dog, who used to love them.
At this time of year he was always asking to go outside in order to disappear and strawberry scrump.


Funny word.
And so many people have a funny scrumping story don't they?

I also had images of soldier beetles. And bees. And wasps.
The nice roof man said he found an old wasps nest in the roof. (I didn't climb up to see). And he said there were spiders as big as his hand, and he is not a man with a dainty bunch of fives, I'm sure he would agree.
Funny, because I haven't seen a single spider in the house yet. It's not quite spider time yet though..
I expect they are up there, slip slap slopping on their sun cream (what happened to that campaign I wonder?).. Waiting for the chillier weather before putting their woollies on and coming inside to keep us company.
Lovely :-/

Woollies though.. (?).. Some words do pop up from nowhere when blipping don't they?.
I would say I haven't used that one since about 1963.

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