I Have Never Seen Grey Pollen Before.

Maybe our resident apiarist can explain.

I don't know what got into PD today - it would appear that his nose/Labrador brain switch has been turned on.
He has been running about, ranging about and sniffing/tracking like a real Lab.
Must unlike him.

We took the monsters to the cinema this afternoon to see the new Ice Age film.
I think we all enjoyed it.
We had managed to get Squirrel to change out of her choice of clothes.

When we got home there was an upset cat sticking its nose under the gate at the side of the house. It was one of Bags' cats ..... an indoor cat which had obviously become a (scared) outdoor cat by going out a slightly open window in The Cygnet's room - an upstairs room ........with no access to the ground other than gravity.
Stupid cat!

Other shots from my walks ......
Feather & orchid
Lumberjack living dangerously
Light on a fern leaf
Natures perfume dispenser
Strange advert

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