Woo Hoo!

The courier arrived .............. before noon.
Left one box and took the other away.
Slight damage to the box ......... more to the internal packaging (see extra) --- but the lathe is in one piece and it works!

SWMBO went out at lunchtime to have an alcoholic afternoon tea with Mrs H.
That left me to drop off Squirrel at gymnastics and then walk PD with The Cygnet.
It was then that we came across the huge mushrooms ..... and the swathe of rosebay willowherb.

The kids were quite well behaved and Squirrel picked up doing some hand weaving remarkably quickly .... and well.

Other news ................... I had a puncture which is costing me a fortune - one ruined tyre, 2 which are right on the limit of tread (shocking really for only 17000 miles ....) and I will not be having a mixed pair on an axle, so that will be no4!
Also, I dropped off 3 pictures for a forthcoming exhibition the camera club is putting on.

Now, as it is Friday ............. I have opened a bottle of wine!

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