The Happy Couple

What a day!

I whizzed round to the hairdressers and had my hair done this morning, then I painted my nails, then I whizzed off up to The Lakes. Judy and Chris were getting married in The Trout Hotel, Cockermouth. The hotel was left in a dreadful state after the awful floods earlier this year, the wedding was originally booked for May, but the hotel was still in no fit state then. It doesn't officially open until August, but they hosted the wedding today.

Everything was brand spanking new and the place looked fabulous. Most people were staying over tonight and sleeping in fresh out of the package beds...the first guests to stay in the refurbished building. 

There were only thirty of us and it was just perfect. The happy couple walked into the room to the theme from Ski excellent choice as they are both keen skiers. It was a lovely ceremony and then we all went outside into the garden and sat in the glorious sunshine. Both Judy and Chris are heavily involved in the mountain rescue...Chris is an active member of the Cockermouth team and Judy is the Editor of the Mountain Rescue was a great surprise for them that the team turned up and formed an archway of ice picks for them.

The meal was divine. The speeches were short and sweet...and hilarious. The company was fab. The whole day was informal and perfect.

It was a two hour drive there and then back again tonight....I am shattered now. I shall have to dig out some nail polish remover before work tomorrow as I just need to sleep now.......zzzzzz

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