garden party day 5; Hermann

This is Hermann (who used to be called Arminius - you met him on tuesday).  He’s a big lad - some 50m high.

During the unification of Germany in the 19th century, Arminius - who defeated three roman legions at the battle of Tuetoburg Forest in 9AD - was seen as a symbol of national pride and freedom.  The construction of the monument was started in 1839 and eventually completed in 1875.

His name change came about during the Reformation when Martin Luther identified Arminius as a useful propaganda ally in the fight with the Holy Roman Empire and translated his Roman name into German (as Hermann).

If you read Anniemay's blip for Friday you’ll know that our second gig was a great success.  Last night’s was even better - nice venue (indoors) - and possibly a first in the terpsichorean world - a group of lady line dancers on the floor doing their stuff to ‘No woman no cry’.  

Couldn’t decide on which image to use so another in extras.

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