Poodle Party

Today, finally, we went to my homehome! It's been such a long time. I call it homehome because it was my first home, and my grandmother, my mother and my sister Nora still live there. I LOVE going there to spend a few hours playing with them, catching up on life and eating treats. But I have to watch mum very closely, making sure she doesn't try to leave without me.

A fifth poodle, my younger half-sister Stella was there too because her people were on a cruise to Åland. What? Anyway, the two of us became great friends and we played chase and wrestled even more than me and Nora, who seems to have grown out of those particular games. We all got fed watermelon which was great since it was a very hot day.

This is a picture of Nora, me and my mother Alva. After they lost their lion hairstyles we look very much like each other. Can you guess who is who? Answer comes tomorrow.

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