Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

To good friends!

Cheers to Jenn and Peter, two people I love dearly and feel so blessed to call friends.

Jenn is like a sister to me and it is hard to believe we've known each other so long. We met drawing still life in high school art class over 15 years ago and we've been close friends ever since. You never know where a meeting, and a friendship can go...Peter has always been there too, another close friend from my high school days and college. I still look back fondly on the year him, Mike and I all shared a house together in college at Virginia Tech.

Now we're all grown up, or something like that. We've certainly navigated the trials of life and passed through some of the hardest times and still remained close. This is my second trip visiting them in California and it is becoming a bit of a tradition for us all now. Great conversations and catching up, local adventuring, and amazing food and drink have become our trademark. We're on the same wave length and I hope we can always stay that way, or at least find the common line connecting us across the past and into the future.

After another lovely day lazing on the beach in California Jenn cooked an amazing meal of scallops, over cheddar grits and sauteed asparagus. For the encore I've been saving this bottle of wine Pino gave me from his vineyard in Italy. It is from the best grapes in Chianti, 80% San Giovesse and about 10 years old, still not as old as my friendship with these guys though...but it will do.


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