Maria & Carol

It was a good Do last night & I took the picture of Carol & her friend Maria there. I took about 200 shots & posted about 60 on FB this am. I will put all of them on a disc & give it to Brian as an extra birthday present. You can see Birthday Boy Brian is in the extras - he was 50 by the way.

A late start this am started with an update call from the home regarding Daph who is still struggling, however when C called today she was sitting out of bed. I had to go to the supermarket this am just for a few bits of salad & some milk - the rest of the day I have been editing pictures, which I quite enjoy doing. I have just slammed a gammon joint in the it will be a case of new potatoes gammon & salad which should be good !

Hot & muggy today, though it has just rained & the clouds have given way to sunshine.

Speak to you later x

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