Stay positive!

By helloitsjulia

Bordeaux fête le vin

Oh my goodness. I'm over a month behind on my blips. I think I've managed to take a photo every day, some were really last-minute emergency photos but I was determined not to let a day slip without a photo - I think I managed it.

So here comes a month of back-blipping.

Today I had dinner at a friend's who lives right in the centre of Bordeaux. It was also the second day of the biennial wine festival, which I had heard so much about and had been waiting for since I arrived almost two years ago (just missing the last one!). At the end of each day of the festival there is a light show projected onto the buildings on the quay, and a fireworks display. So we rolled out of my friend's house after dinner and onto the quay, missed the light show but caught the fireworks, which were breathtaking.

This is the image that is projected onto the buildings after the light show - it's really beautiful seeing the (already beautiful) buildings decorated like this.

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