
I think this will be ok for my mono Monday entry including the theme of "link".

We both slept well, much cooler.......after breakfast we decided on a walk, after we had stopped by our daughters to feed Smokey on the way to the canal.

We walked for roughly 5 miles......around about 12,000 steps which is always good.

This canal is the Leeds Liverpool Canal, which
links the two cities and in years gone by was the link route for many narrow boat businesses to transport consumables from A to B.

This is a wide beam boat, much wider than the conventional narrow boat of old. As you can see from the blip, there isnt much space to spare either side as it passes under the bridge! A good tiller person is required......think I could still give it a good go ;-)

Incidentally, the old mill behind is undergoing major refurbishments. I have blipped it before,
here if your interested, https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2046000015423310520
Both of the longer sides now have new windows in but they are yet to tackle the water side....not sure how they will manage it?!!

We had a light ploughmans type lunch when we got back home. Hub is currently outside watering the greenhouse, I need to go and water the baskets and troughs.........so best sign off now.

Hope the weather brightens up, very cloudy today, but still warm enough for no jacket or jumper :-)

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