Today's Special

By Connections

High Drama

It's a good thing we were up earlier than usual today, as our avian friends were not amused to find that the high feeder held no suet cake! 

Ms. Pileated Woodpecker perched where it should have been, looking indignant, while one of the smaller woodpeckers discovered the suet feeder on its side, by the ladder, and quietly set about having breakfast.

Phil had cleaned out the squirrel-deterrent metal tube and put a sloping wooden platform on it, which offers both an attractive perching spot for the birds while they eat and eliminates the collection of suet crumbs in the metal tube. He had not, however, put the suet feeder back up before we went to bed last night.

That was quickly remedied, thank goodness -- the extras show Phil putting the finishing touches on the improved high feeder and Ms. PW clearly in favor of the changes! 

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