NEVER heard of it!

Fly-Pie ...yes.
Squashed fly cake ...yes
SLY cake ...DUH?!?!?!?
Apparently it isn't another misprunt. It actually exists.

It was, nearly, "Beware of toy soldiers".
We stopped off at a local Service Station out of necessity and found it overrun by baby soldiers, the females of which were doing Tarzan acts on the toilet doors.

Great day in Newcastle, only marred by the fact that getting TO the carpark took every bit as long as getting to Newcastle.

That well known Satnav system, FredFred, was WAY out of date and kept insisting I turn the wrong way down one-way streets, he then took us the correct way down a street which ended in a turning circle with a pedestrian area beyond.

There's a lot to be said for York and Chester. At least they are civilised enough to have park and ride.

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