So far, so good.
After a recent visit to Geordieland, and a raid on a well-known Book retailer, I was a tad gobsmacked to hear that they were NOT allowed to use the phrase ''Lundun 2012'' or even ''Teme GB''.
If you want to be really, REALLY, SILLY they aren't allowed to print ''abc1234''.
The ubiquitous ''THEY'' do NOT say ''this particular font'', they merely say ''abc1234'' Looky here. Seems to change with the Olympics.
I, further, discovered that you could get done for displaying 5 coloured rings.
NOT, I hasten to add, the ''Olimpick rings©'', which are described at the above link as ''The five interlocking rings represent the union of the continents and the meeting of athletes from throughout the world.''
See here,
N.B. NONE I have seen in Florists ARE "Interlocking". The defence rests Yer ONNER.
I put it to you members of the jury, that neither the above newspaper extract nor my Blip displays Five INTERLOCKING rings.
The defence rests Yer Onner.
It seems that, even in this write-up I have, almost, broken copywright law 2-3 times.
Oh BUGGER! Where can I hide?? SHOULD be O.K. now I've changed the spelling
The name has been smudged to protect the proud, not REALLY guilty, posters of 5 none-interlocking coloured rings.
I didn't want to get any MORE obvious in case they panicked. I notice ye rings have been moved a few inches deeper into the shop than when I first spotted them.
Just noticed: it's, apparently, illegal to even use the word which sounds like ''Olimpicks'' coz that's copyright too.
Oh DEAR what SHALL we proud Brits refer to them as? Let's pretend we're Oirish and call them ''The O'games''???
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