
... Nearly forgot to post my blip, not that it's anything exciting as didn't take many photos ;-D))

Took Ruby for a stroll over Wimbledon Common in the morning and was determined not to blip the pond. Saw a couple of dragons and damsels but all to flighty to get a blip, so you have Ruby on a wander instead. Came back and trimmed a little of the hedge outside and phew! That was more than enough exertion for one day!

Saw these flowers (extra) on a tree when I took Ruby for a very quick stroll in the evening, before we went off to quiz, and apparently the tree is an Indian bean tree ~ well I've learnt something new today. But it didn't help us on our quiz lol. Only Mr C and I tonight but we did miss the youngsters and some of their (upto date) knowledge. All good fun though.

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