Swallowtail and Orchid

WHR Day 3.

Today whilst not technically hard was tough in a few ways.
We walk a long way, 18km, mostly on farm tracks which is tough in big boots. The clients also need to carry everything for two nights in high refuges, in the current conditions I've also got a rope, ice axe and lots of spare kit. And today was hot. Very hot.
Eventually we arrive at the Cabane Mont Fort at 2500m, which is high for most clients, so there's some acclimatisation to do. We made it in just in time as we got the forecast rain,  but not, as I was hoping, a storm that would clear the air and bring back the mountain views.
Psychologically it was hard today for me and the clients. Despite my best efforts two of the American chaps don't want to do the high days and have decided to take bus and trains and meet us at Arolla, this has sadly meant that one of them's partner feels she must also go with them and miss part of a trip she clearly dearly wants to do. It's hard to fathom. Two other clients specifically want to skip tomorrow, they're from Hong Kong and Florida respectively and are very very nervous on the snow, so 10 are now 5. I know I've done my best, but it's still disappointing.

For most of today we walked through high pasture - it was literally alive with flutterbys and wild flowers (grass snakes too - but they were too fast for blip) - and so today's blip was chosen as it best represented my day.
...I also really like the sense of light in the one I've put into extras, it was a close call.

Notes for self
D3. LA 2/10, FR1/10.

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