
By Mindseye

Square of squares

A good nights sleep :-)

After a breakfast of fruit from the garden with Greek yoghurt, got all my ."stuff" together and went off to see mum and sis. I went via city centre so,I could grab a wide angle shot......something different, as Bobsblips as not set us a specific challenge theme this week ;-)

When I got to mums, she was ready, hair almost done, just a bit of titvating at the back required. Sis came, she hadn't slept well sadly. We did all the usual - lunch in M&S, a bit of shopping, then a quick drive to th garden centre, as mum needed bird seed and peanut....her birds are well fed!!! ;-) then we had a coffee whilst we were there.

Once back at mums, we potters in her garden, swept her drive. We had a cuppa sat in the garden. Before we knew it, it was 5.30 and I had to get changed, gather my stuff together, and reload the car. I put mums tea in the oven, set her tray, and told her it would be ready when the timer pinged :-) said my goodbyes and off I went to Step and Pilates!!

Our trainer worked us really hard, it was soooo warm!!! There were 3 new people in class, I think they were a bit worse for wear by the end ;-) Pilates followed and a warm down by which time my step counter was up to 11,000 so that was good :-)

By the time I got home at 9.20 I was really hungry, so had a quick snack then jumps in th shower. Back downstairs just in time to catch up with Long Last Families on +1 .......tissues at the ready ;-)

Hopefully I'll sleep well again tonight :-)'

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