life begins at...

By Sej

Six Senses

Today, we arrived at the Six Senses hotel in the Douro Valley.

In our travels together, Mr J & I have stayed in some of the most fabulous hotels around the world & this one has to be right up there.

This place is absolutely serene, evoking every sensory experience from taste, touch, smell, sound, sight & more...

We relaxed among the beautiful setting of the wine groves and I even managed to read, swim, sleep & do some yoga & meditation.

But more importantly, we got to try some more fantastic wines & ports (including a 40 year old tawny) and enjoy the fabulous 'Wine Library' - this place is heaven on earth.

As Lou Reed sang, 'it's such a perfect day I'm glad I got to spend it with you' - my homage to Mr J.

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