Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Will the real me please stand up

Finished work at 1pm today and am now on holiday. Hoo effing ray. Feel like I've been through the emotional assault course recently. Random notes and thoughts:

Feel like I am more in touch with myself since I stopped being a serial painkiller abuser.

Pleased with the fact that I left things in relatively good order at work.

Aren't the Olympic boys and girls doing well? I don't just mean the athletes, I mean everyone - all the volunteers and the telly people and everybody behind the scenes - this is going down as a great games. Stuff the doubters. This is Britain at its fun and enthusiastic best.

Lovely cake and coffee with TSM upstairs at Pret, people watching all the goings on in the town square. Oh yeah bit of a classic - three workmen having a fag watching another one digging a hole. Right said Fred ...

More or less packed and ready to go on holiday tomorrow.

Can't decide whether to buy a Nikon D800 when I'm in New York.

Great skype session with the Girl Racer bored out of her brains in Bangkok waiting to get her Dubai flight.

Sixteen days of getting up when I want to after tomorrow, not because I have to ... yippee

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