The Best Day EVER!

Tiny reports
Today was the best sno shooing day The Boss has ever had.

There had been a fresh fall and Granny (acycling) recon’d that it would be good so in spite of lots of other attractions that were available they went and WOW.

The Boss had bought a set of chains but NuSuzz has a fancy button thingie that makes “SNOW” show on the dash and we chugged up the mountain including several stops (these are usually the tricky bits) without issues and once there he set out on a different path to Granny and friends which resulted in a walk across the tops in new untouched powder all the way to the valley track which had not been groomed either. The only sound was the squeaking of the snow against the shoos and there was not another person to be seen except a lone cross country skier way down in the valley. 
Once on the valley we crossed another bit of untouched and joined the track and Granny and friends for lunch at the Meadow Hut. 
The extra is the ridge crossing just to give you the idea of the bliss level achieved. and the second one is a stalagmite thingie that was hanging about at the hut.
He is home now eyeing the bath.

The main image is the view from the access road into the Cardrona valley.

Pawscript  Everything looks amazing in big
Oh and it was all iPhone...Bet you knew that.


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