All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Dressing up and flags

Despite another rubbish night with Ethan last night, he woke up in a great mood this morning! He was even more pleased when the Foreveryoungs arrived at 8.30am and ran straight out the shower to go and say hello.

By 10am though he was clearly very tired and narky and after a lot of attempts, I finally managed to get him to have a nap. It meant he missed his swimming class though but as I think I'm going to take a wee break from them for the next session anyway, I wasn't too bothered.

Granny & Grandpa arrived shortly before Ethan and I headed over to the 42 household for lunch and a playdate. Missus B and Lucinda were also there. The kids all played really well together although Ethan got tetchy again over lunchtime and so was dosed up with baby nurofen again.

Late afternoon, back home, he was downright miserable again and his cheeks were burning up. The poor thing suffers so much with teething - I think and hope these are his last ones coming through now. He has spent most of the evening crying and / or snuggled up on my lap although we did manage to distract hiim with some bus / train videos on YouTube and he was particularly taken with an extract from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

Based on how badly he has slept the past few nights, we've decided to just let him sleep in our bed tonight in the hope we all get a bit more sleep than when we're up and down to his room half the night.

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