All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Well we had a dreadful night with Ethan last night - I got so little sleep it felt like he was a newborn again! It was kind of funny when I woke at 4am though to hear him crying and then exclaim "oh noooo"! He had woken up and pee'd in his pull ups which upset him greatly. The poor thing needed a change of PJs too!

Despite him not going to sleep till after 9pm last night and being up during the night, he still woke up again at 6.20am demanding his bottle of milk! Fortunately after bringing him through to our bed and giving him the milk, he fell asleep again for another 2 hours.

This nearly made us late for our playdate with HoppyDaze though, as we were meeting her and Kerr at the Heritage Centre at 10am.

Had a lovely few hours with them although the boys never seemed to want to play on the same things at the same time! We had lunch there too where Ethan demolished his bowl of lentil soup and got upset when I told him there wasn't any more! We hung around there for another hour or so after Hoppy Daze left, so Ethan could go on the trailer ride and in the soft play.

I drove the long route home so he fell asleep and he was so shattered he slept for an hour 20 minutes. He woke up just before one of my neighbours popped round for a cuppa and a natter.

I'm feeling very organised tonight as not only have I done the weekly shop this evening but have also put some home made ice-cream in the freezer and have some chicken marinading in the fridge for tomorrow nights dinner. So if my parents are reading this - guess what's on the menu for you tomorrow!

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