Mixed Blessings.

I hadn't been in the gym long, when the fire alarm went off. We had to  go outside, but it was a false alarm. The fire station is across the road from the gym, so they wouldn't have had to come far.  When I had finished, I walked up to the church, and today's volunteer was Lily. She is a lovely lady, and always has such great stories to tell. Kevin was showing a male visitor, the points of interest in the church. When he sat down, to have a cuppa with us, he said he was a police officer. After he had had his tea, Kevin took him up the tower to ring the bells. In the meantime, Jane who is the verger, asked us to help her pin the messages and prayers to the wooden cross. If you look at the bottom of the cross, you will see the long pink ribbon, which is mine.  It isn't a very clear shot, but the light was streaming in through the stained glass windows. It was a lovely mix of people, and I didn't want to leave. When I eventually did, I walked to town, and caught the bus home. I got home, had lunch, and decided to download my camera onto the computer. I wear a  ring on my right hand, which is 18ct gold, and  is inset with three rubies, and two  diamonds.My Mum gave me some money many years ago, and told me to go and buy myself a nice ring. I only wore it for special occasions for many years, but when she passed away, I thought i would wear it every day, which I have. To cut a long story short, one of the diamonds has dropped out, and although I am trying not to be sad, I am. I was going to leave it to my g/daughter, and now it is useless. J offered to buy me another ring for my birthday, and although that is a lovely thought, it wouldn't be the same. So today, is a day of mixed blessings for me. 

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