The secret garden.

I spent the morning doing the housework,  boring  and washing, which I manged to dry as well.  J made a bacon & egg omelette for lunch, which was delicious, and then he  asked, ever so casually, would you like to go to Porthcawl this afternoon.? Does he really think I'm that daft, (don't answer that ) ? I didn't mind really, so off we went. He managed to park right outside the hobby shop, and right next door, there is a wonderful rather large, old cottage, with a beautiful garden. I was hoping the owners  wouldn't spot me taking  this photo, and luckily they didn't. J wasn't in the shop very long, so we then came straight back home . Our evening meal tonight is, salmon with a soy & honey glaze,new potatoes, and French green beans  that J has grown. This will be our first "feed" so there will be more to come. I can't wait!

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