Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Treasured possessions

Silver and leather. A gift from TSM many years ago, Paddington market in Sydney if you have been there and know it. 

Very tired tonight ... Woke up with a start late in the evening having fallen asleep on the settee ... I think they call it an emergency blip.

The therapeutic journey

An okay day. On fire in my gym session. Spoke to HR about going back to work on Monday. Did some meal planning and shopping. Realised I had lost two inches off my waist in the last few weeks. Baggy trousers ... 

I think one of the things I have realised since being off is that I wasn't getting much time to myself, and I have really enjoyed my own company and the chance to just "be". The pace of work was so ferocious that in my head I kept that pace up even when I was sleeping, and simply transferred my thoughts to other sources of worry. That's what constant worry and anxiety do to you; it would be like leaving your car engine running when you parked up a night and being surprised when it started to show early signs of wear and tear. This isn't about the hours of work you do; this is about never switching off. Time to just be yourself really is a treasured possession ...

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