Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

FlowerFriday EB

This is a quick shot of one of the colorful daisies from the bouquet on my table.  It's been another long day at the hospital.  My sister-in-law was readmitted last night (for the third time since the 17th).  Her primary doctor reviewed her hospital chart after we left her office yesterday and called my brother and told him to take her back to the hospital last night. She arranged for a pulmonologist to see her when she got there and do a bronchoscopy today.  We finally feel like something is being done for her but she is really very sick and they can't do anything more until results are back in about 3 days.  All your positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated.  Please keep them coming.

My visits to your journals and comments will be sporadic at best during this time.  Thanks for understanding.  And thanks to Anni, BikerBear, for hosting FlowerFriday!

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