Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Variegated Meadowhawk

This is untitled because I'm too tired to identify this dragonfly tonight.  I hope to come back later with the ID, unless someone wants to help me out with it.  I think it's a Meadowhawk of some kind, but I'm not even sure about that.
EDIT:  Google helped me find him, so now it has a title.  :-)

We got encouraging news from the pulmonologist today.  The results of some of the tests are back and he has ruled out "all the bad stuff".  Several tests are still pending but he decided to start IV steroids today and thinks my sister-in-law should start feeling better after a few doses.  Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers!  She is not out of woods yet so please keep them coming!

I didn't spend too long at the hospital today so I finally had time to catch up on what I have been neglecting at home and even take a little photo walk.  I hope to start catching up on journals tomorrow.  :-)

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