
By Cygnus

Afloat again

A bit of a dreich day, but we are down at the boat nonetheless. Some chums from west of the Bann are up in County Down for a wedding, so of course we are offering a nightcap this evening!

H is one of my oldest friends, we have known each other since we were very young and very silly. Now that I have stopped teaching I have time to make the 2 hour drive to her home so we are getting all caught up again! Thankfully this also involves a sleepover (heaven forfend a drive back the same day), so Prosecco is usually involved too.

The Ards Man and I will join H and D for breakfast at their hotel tomorrow before we all head out for an early morning sail on Belfast Lough.

Next on our schedule this evening is a bit of research into gin cocktails. I bought the AM some Jawbox gin and the Ava in Bangor does a delish cocktail, so we are going to partake to allow the AM to discern the ingredients! Some people are a bit sniffy about the Ava (you know who you are, mrshb70....) but it is really rather nice :)

This is one of my favourite types of weekend! Hope yours is good, too.

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