Little Miss Thelwell

Today's the day ........................ to start young

One of the nice things about the Trap Annual Agricultural Show  is how enthusiastic the young are - to enter the various categories and show off their expertise.

This very young rider and her diminutive pony were full of confidence as they paraded round the show ring in the Best Child's Pony (not exceeding 12.2h.h.) Class.  The extra shows two young lads with their beautiful Charolais Sheep that took a fair amount of controlling because they were very strong and almost as big as their handlers.  They had to answer questions from the judge about their sheep which they managed to do without too much trouble.

The big marquee with all the handicrafts, domestic and horticultural classes also had lots of evidence of youthful participation and it was a joy to see.  Looks like the next generation are quite ready to carry on with the old traditional skills .........................      

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