Dreadful Blip Alert!

Is this really all I can manage today!!!


But it tells a bit of a storey.

The unfinished pond looks like its had a load of mud chucked into it. I couldnt quite work out where it had come from until I spotted the cheeky little sparrows all dust bathing on the edge of it!! Mystery Solved. Once the wood edge has gone on and the pebbles cover the dirt, I shall be buying them a little bird bath and might even save them a saucer of dirt - away from the edge of the pond!!!

Here's the bravest of them all hanging about for a photo to be taken. The others are all quite skittish!

Lazy day today as I have felt quite shattered after the week Iv had. Infact the most I have done all day is water the plants! Just how I like it. But my 7 year old nephew has kept me entertained with numerous phone calls about Pokemon. He's never called me in his life then I get loads of them. I think he's a little bit obsessed! 

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