The last thing I bought!

Thank you very much Karen for coming to my rescue with this blip. This is day light robbery.....I shall explain!

Karen and I met with our hubbies and her Hubbies parents at Gogglebox Chris and Tonys Charity Open Garden for McMillan. It was a lovely relaxed way to spend a Sunday lunchtime and their garden is just amazing. Actually, so were the cakes, so much so, Mr W had maybe 5 or 6 portions!!! 

Karen and I wandered about the garden taking lot's of lovely pictures as Blippers do, getting in each others way and taking pictures of each other and I was dead happy with my little lot and looked forward to getting home to sort them all out on the computer.

Only, by the time I got home, there were no pictures to be found. Gone. The lot of them. I have no idea where or how and nor did the recovery programme we downloaded. Everything was there up till yesterday and even all my Alaska pics were found from when I formatted the card. So I spent the whole afternoon and evening stressing over it and wondering what on earth had happened and thought what a complete disaster that would have been if I was a professional photographer!! Even Karens Alan called me t try and help out - Thanks guys!

So today's Blip is courtesy of Karen as I didn't have a single picture to share from today. I chose this one as cake was actually the last thing I bought and that completes todays penultimate challenge word for this month!!! Does that even make sence??

So if anyone can spread light on what might have happened to my pictures then please do share....I have a Nikon D750, less than a year old with 2 SanDisk memory cards. The one that was used was less than 2 months old and bought from a reputable dealer. I looked at the pictures on the camera but didn't delete any and took about 100. Once I turned the camera off and got home, they were no longer available to view on the camera or memory cards once I put them in the computer. Recovery programmes found 60 pictures that were 'ignored'. Could the camera getting hot in the sunshine have done this and is it a camera or card problem??? I would be grateful for any suggestions but have resigned myself to the fact they are probably all gone and can't thank Karen enough for sharing hers with me!!!! 

July Challenge
1. Self Portrait
2. Busy
3. Best Part of your day
4. Fun
5. On the floor
6. Chair
7. Garden
8. Lunch
9. Big
10. Your favourite colour
11. Letter
12. Texture
13. Open
14. Building
15. Finger
16. Sign
17. Plate
18. Eyes
19. Calm
20. Your addiction
21. 9 o'clock
22. Upside down
23. Mirror
24. A stranger
25. Heart
26. Cup
27. On the road
28. Sunshine
29. Animal / Insect / Pet
30. Last thing you bought
31. Toothbrush

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