Thomas Allcorn, killed in action 30/07/16 age 23.

A further wreath in the series marking the 100th anniversary of the death in the Great War of a soldier from Bearsted. A very poignant way of remembering events which are rapidly passing from living memory.

This wreath, which marks where Thomas lived, was on our way into town on our customary walk for coffee and shopping. It was a wet walk despite there being no rain in the forecast.

We took the plunge to replace our ageing PVR and had an idea in mind as to what we wanted to replace it with. In the end we came away with a different make; a Panasonic rather than a Humax. Works fine, has improved the picture on the TV no end. Now all I have to do is get it to connect to the Internet.

A usual Saturday afternoon. Me to the allotment, Susan cleaning. Picked beans and a fennel and did a bit of tidying up. Back home potted on some winter cabbage, sowed more dwarf beans and lettuce and fed and tended plants and tomatoes.

A very pleasant meal tonight; Mary Berry's Salmon, Fennel and Pea Risotto with some sugarsnap peas from the allotment mixed through. All washed down by a bottle of English white wine, a 2011 Pinot Blanc from Chapel Down near Tenterden.

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